Dear visitor, we kindly request you to contact us by phone for further informations, we receive a large number of emails daily, which means that we are not always able to respond to all messages in a timely manner.


Address: Via Maestri del Lavoro 13/G 45030

Santa Maria Maddalena - Occhiobello - (RO)

Tel. 3930319116

Whatsapp: 3930319116

E-mail: info@clubmagicmoon.it

We are Open on:

Friday : 22:00 - 04:00
Saturday : 22:00 - 04:00


General rules:

The use of mobile phones and photo and film equipment is prohibited. Mobile phones are only allowed at the entrance and outside the PRIVE ROOM.
→ Minimum age is
18 years. Visitors who refuse to show their identification will be turned away.
→ Excessive alcohol consumption is not allowed. We reserve the right to no longer serve alcohol.
→ Smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas.
→ Pretty safe! Use a condom when having sex, they are available at the club entrance.
→ We treat all our visitors with respect and expect the same from our visitors. Nothing is mandatory,
NO MEANS NO. Pushy or aggressive behavior will not be tolerated. 
→ You are responsible for your own property. We are not responsible for theft, loss and/or damage.
→ Take advantage from the trash and make sure you leave your glass in a safe place. 





€50 on Friday +10€ club card
€60 on Saturday +10€ club card

€20 on Friday +10€ club card 
€20 on Saturday +10€ club card
View our events page for any deviating events, prices and/or opening times.

€10 on Friday +10€ club card
€10 on Saturday +10€ club card
View our events page for any deviating events, prices and/or opening times.

Stampa | Mappa del sito
Tutti i contenuti del presente sito non sono a carattere pubblicitario ma da intendersi come avvisi ai nostri soci © Magic Moon Maestri del lavoro 13/G 45030 Santa Maria Maddalena, Occhiobello (RO) P.IVA:91136470597.



Come arrivare